Thursday, May 3, 2012

One sketch a day: Day 50...DAY 50?!?!

Well well well, day 50 has arrived!

Hola peeps!

50 days doing this crazy thing and it feels pretty good. Give or take a couple of days because of my newborn daughter, I think it went pretty well. Today's post I used a brush pen. My second most favorite tools to use when drawing. I didn't want to really use it on this sketchbook account of the paper being too thin...but I thought....what the a little. luckily it didn't bleed through too bad on the other side, where a previous drawing is. Hope everyone is doing well and I hope you are enjoying this daily project.




Unknown said...

Whatever is getting you through these ,I'll take two.

Your a moster bro. Thanks for being such an inspiration. Been lovin the dailies

Michael Barquero said...

Dude, I don't know you and you probably don't know me, but all I want to say is that I will be very sad if you ever stop doing these daily. Keep em coming!

Gillibean said...

HOw are you managing to do these and take care of your baby girl!!!??? This image is awesome!

Will you bring all the rough sketches to CTNX??? Pay per view maybe? :P

Unknown said...

Congratulation! I hope to see more sketches in the future!

Trevor Spencer said...

Great work WAYNE! you are super dedicated and inspiring.

hope all is well buddy!

Wayne B. Medina said...

Mel- I'll share whatever I got bro :) but it's all fumes i'm runnin on these days haha

Michael- Hey man thanks! that's the kinda stuff that makes me wanna go still :) *high fives*

Gillibean- Your guess is as good as mine..i'm exhausted haha. But yeah I'll bring it with me...well I have to since I should be doing it still by then. Just ask me and I will share :)

Claudio- will do my friend! thanks!

Trevor- thanks man! things are cool, hope all is well with you!!