Sunday, August 29, 2010


Hola Amigos and Amigas!

How is everyone doing? I for one am doing pretty good. Actually got to do some Freelance work.....FINALLY! Woohoo! Of course I can't show anything yet until the NDA's are lifted, but hopefully eventually I'll get to share. Sooooo whaddaya guys think about the new look of my blog...thumbs up? down? wanna puke? let me know =)

Anywhoo, here's some stuff I worked on recently. one is my profile pic. wanted to do a new one since my birthday is coming up this saturday, so naturally I added a rad looking b-day hat designed of a blue pencil. Another is a Aquaman drawing that I myself think looks pretty good. although i wish i added a lil more elements...whatevs, oh and I noticed I don't draw a lot of DC characters and needed to give some love to them. and lastly a little doodle of a boy and a football, this was drawn so i can push more on doing more poses rather than the static stand pose. Gotta push forward with that.

Well, again hope everyone is doing well and i'll keep pushin!



Monday, August 9, 2010

My buddy Joe! Oooo and a sketchy

Hola Amigos and Amigas!!!

how is everyone doing? I hope everyone is well. today's post is a bunch'o sketches and a looong awaited portrait for my dear ole college chum, the talented mr. joeseph mcfarlane young. Him and I go way back. although I don't see him nowadays, I hold my friendship with him dear to me. We were in acting class together, and along with my other friends in class, had a blast. 'specially us. we would just to the craziest acts in front of everyone...something I would of never done forward to the present. I promised him a drawing for awhile now.....and here it finally is my friend. I hope you like it =)

other post are sketches, brush studies and w.i.p.s waiting to be done. until then my friends!

