Hola Amigos and Amigas!
how is everyone doing? Hope everything is going swell with all of you! Today I will be sharing a few more random sketches I did in my brown book. Sometimes I feel like i draw more better on toned paper, I don't know...I guess I love the whole feel of it, the white prismacolor pencil popping of the page, the different tones I get by using my black pencil, feels more artsy ya know heh. I guess I'm just a wannabe fine arteest! aw well......
Anywhoo, Guess what happened to me? So I was checking out the
Character Design blog, and read one of the post about the awesome character designer and story artist
David Coleman having a app of his new sketchbook on the ITUNES app store. It said that the first two people who emails David and mention that they read it on the blog will get the app for free....and guess who got it? that's right baby, I WAS ONE OF THE TWO!!!!! hahaha David emailed me later that night, right when I was gonna hit the sack saying I won. I was so stoked!
It's an awesome little app that has 38 pages of watercolor stuff and a step by step on his process. So if you are a fan of his work I totally recommend it.
whew! so finally here's the sketchy post peeps!
Smile it up!
ye ole m00k!
Ciao Wayne! These are really great! I do know what you mean that certain types of paper are just 'better' for drawing or that it draws the artist out of you haha. I have it also with certain brushes and pencils. It just flows better on paper...I don't know how to explain it better haha.
Either way I love your style and you are already an amazing illustrator!
Ooh and congrats on winning the app!! It sounds like a gem!
The old womans hair with the curls is cool can you post that whole sketch porfavor
Now this is dejavu for me. Lol. Good stuff.
Hey man, your blog is really a great inspiring place to visit
I love your style, very cool stuff!
what softwere you use for coloring usually?
You have nice designs here, congrats on the app.
TJ- hiya TJ! Yeah I completely understand what you are saying. I you feel it you feel it =)
Issac- I wish I could man but that's all what I drew of her. I'll add on her if you like tho =)
Bobby- hahaha for reals man lol thanks homie
Nachshon- hey man hows it going? I've been checking your stuff out, it's looking really cool man keep it up! Thanks for the support man =) it means alot. As for your question, I color in photoshop CS3. I was never comfortable coloring in PS until recently. Hehe not even sure if I'm doing it the correct way but ah well eh? =)
Andrew- hey thank you man and thanks for coming by. I really dig your stuff
Awesome sketches as always man! Great stuff!
congrats on winning the app- great sketches, as always!
your works are very inspiring :)
Justin- Hey Justin how's it going? yeah thanks man. any leads for you yet?
Michael- thanks man =)
Sami- Hi Sami! welcome to my blog and thank you for the nice comment. i like your profile pic
Good stuff Wayne, keep it up!
Your style is flippin sweet homie. Glad I stumbled upon this here blog, keep it coming!
Oscar- thanks buddy!
Derick- Hey thanks a lot mang! and welcome to my blog. love your profile piccy!
very nice! I love the paper and white colored pencil look as well. Characters look awesome! keep popping them out my friend
Dude, you are developing a personal stye that is out of this world...seeing you progress so quickly is really great. Keep pushin' hombre!
great works!!!
Chase- Hey buddy thanks man :)
Ryan- Hey man how's it going? thank you for very humbling comment. you put a smile on my face sir and I thank you :)
Juanma- thanks man :)
Great job my friend
sigo pensando que esos personajes deberias llevarlos al cine animado...
Hey thanks Dam! nice to see you again friend
Manuel- Gracias mi amigo! Un día quiero ver mis diseños en la pantalla grande. que sería bueno!
I translated my english to spanish for you heh!
I've seen a lot of good stuff in your blog ... I'll visit you more often!
Holaaaaa Wayne! How are you doing lately? You're probably very busy, but I thought to check in and to see how you are ^_^!
Take care!!
Hey dude! I really love your designs recently... inspiring stuff mate. And the guy at the top of this post? Such a cool design, lovin his head shape etc... and the drawing on brown paper is a nice technique!
Ken :D
Great shape design!
Juan- hey thanks man! I really appreciate that!
TJ- Hey girl! we talked on facebook already but I gotta reply back and catch up with ya heh!
Ken- My Pal! long time no talk buddy! how's it be over where your at man? I gotta catch up to my blog rolls and see what's up with everyone, I'll go to your blog after this
Patrick- Hey man how's it going? you are one of the instructors at A.I right? yeah thanks for coming by man, i'm' glad you diggin the shapes! and thanks for dropping some words. you are an incredible artist!
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