Tuesday, September 14, 2010

ANNNNND....IT'S OFF!!!...well almost

hola amigos and amigas!

How is everyone doing? So a quick post of the free sketch card that i'm going to send out to one Mr. Arjan Wilschut. Did this bad boy on my infamous brown sketchbook cut down to sketch card size. It felt really good to do traditional stuff, which btw I used prisma markers/pencils, col erase pencil and my trusty ol brush pen. I'm thinking of drawing more of these little dudes and sell them off for a fair price. others i'm gonna send off to one of you guys when I hold the raffle thing.

Anywhoo, took some dorky pictures just to show you what i'm sending off, and asked if Arjan when he receives the card, to take a picture of it in his homeland of the netherlands. I thought it would be neat to see. He not only agreed to my nerdy request, he said he would take it near some mills by his home....how cool is that?!?! ahem well, i'm gonna geek out now peoples! I will be posting soon


-ye ole m00k!

oh and Arjan buddy, I'll send it off tomorrow man!

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Hola Amigos and Amigas!

Yesterday this blog got it's 100th follower! *claps* it's an honor to have so many of you guys follow this thing. a whole bunch of you seen me grow and continue to grow with my art and my journey to the animation biznaz. I am thankful to all of you and your continuing support and interest for MOOKSVILLE. Thank you. =)

So who the heck is the 100th follower you ask? His name is Arjan Wilschut. He's an animator/illustrator outta the Netherlands. Dope stuff might I add so check him out. Anywhoo, this lucky dude who decided to follow (beats me) and be the 100th will receive a sketch card of original art drawn by me. Hope you like whatever I send man. lol

and for all the other mookies out there saying aw man I want a sketch card!!!! don't fret, i'm thinking about holding a raffle or something...i don't know lol

onto the post. so I done did up the flash. i'm kinda half and half on how it turned out, but it's okay, wanted to get in a post. I can draw another one anyways. other piccy is outta my moleskinny. The dude with the big ass soda jug is an actual memory sketch of a real person at the mall. He just amazed me with his look, first of all...with slicked to the side hair and long 'stache and the gi'normous!!!!! i mean friggin flippin huge mug. I didn't see it at first until.....BAM! he lifted it up and started slurppin from the straw. My mouth dropped! So I had to sketch the dude up.

well that's it for me. I gotta go to the DMV tomorrow to renew my license, so I need my beauty sleep :p thanks again mah peoples!



EDIT:>> added a cropped version of the flash without the blur thingy