Hola Amigos and Amigas!
How is everyone doing? I for one am doing pretty good. Actually got to do some Freelance work.....FINALLY! Woohoo! Of course I can't show anything yet until the NDA's are lifted, but hopefully eventually I'll get to share. Sooooo whaddaya guys think about the new look of my blog...thumbs up? down? wanna puke? let me know =)
Anywhoo, here's some stuff I worked on recently. one is my profile pic. wanted to do a new one since my birthday is coming up this saturday, so naturally I added a rad looking b-day hat designed of a blue pencil. Another is a Aquaman drawing that I myself think looks pretty good. although i wish i added a lil more elements...whatevs, oh and I noticed I don't draw a lot of DC characters and needed to give some love to them. and lastly a little doodle of a boy and a football, this was drawn so i can push more on doing more poses rather than the static stand pose. Gotta push forward with that.
Well, again hope everyone is doing well and i'll keep pushin!
hah these are great! happy early bday then! :) lovin the birthday pic!
Hey Thanks Gabby! =)
"Two enthusiastic thumbs up!" -- on the new blog look. Happy Bday as well.
You made aquaman look cool XD
These are awesome!
Nice to see you postin more... fun dynamic pose!
Holaaaa Wayne!! Ooh your birthday is coming up!!! Big plans for that day? I LOVE your profile picture. Really cool!
Aqua man is here to save the daaaaaay! Can you hear the background tune!? It's totally there! Very cool sketches! Keep it up, as usual ^_^!
Take care & have a great rest of the week! Ciao!
I really like the space around Aquaman, works well!
That Aquaman looks very cool. I love the lighting, especially on his face.
dude! Great stuff as always. Love that Aquaman! Congrats on the freelance work and the new blog looks great. Can't wait to see more!
you rock my sox Wayne! Awesome post and with the new look of the blog.
I aspire to be half as rockin as you.
Keep on keepin on my friend
Chris- thanks man! much appreciated :highfives:
Jess- thanks jess, yeah i'm pretty happy with it...give me time..i'll hate it soon enough lol
Alina-thanks Alina! always cool to see you hear
Abz- thanks homie!
TJ-TEEEE JAAAAY! thank you girly girl! nothing plan as of yet. probably gonna wing it that they and see what happens. lol I can hear the tune now since you mentioned it =) you take care as well
Lee-cool man! thanks! i wanted to convey that too
aintshakespeare- danke michael!
Justin- thanks bro! yeah i gotta meet up with you one of these days at that life drawing thingy
Mel- pffft please homeboy! I wish I got a tiny ounce of the talent you have got! lol good lookin out with the very kind words Mang!
Fan freakin tastic! Perfect aquaman, i can see him moving in my mind with such personality :) Great update,
You inspire me Sir! as always!
New look. Looks good.
Happy upcoming berfday, and yes, more DC! Never too much of a good thing.
mega post!!
Hi Wayne!! awesome line work!!! I love the strong construction of your characters!
Stephan- thanks Stephan man! That means a lot coming from you
Suede- thanks man!
Rick-thank you bro! and yes! lol I love that saying "Never too much of a good thing" *highfives*
Ivan- thanks brother man! yeah man, just trying to get better and better bro. miss talking to you man
Andres- Thank you Andres. yeah that's actually one thing i'm working on, is my construction. so thank you for that. at least I know i'm going in the right direction =)
Wow! The aquaman looks so gorgeous! I love the exaggeration of joints and the lighting:)
supercool works!
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